Counselors! Have you heard about the Oklahoma FAFSA Data Portal (OK-FDP)? The OK-FDP is a free online tool to help counselors better assist their high school seniors successfully complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The portal provides free access to individual FAFSA filing information for your senior class.
Participating schools will have access to the following information on their students who have started and/or completed a FAFSA.

High schools can sign up for the OK-FDP by completing an agreement and authorizing users at their school who will have access to the FAFSA completion data. Each user will sign a Privacy Certification and the school will submit a list of their seniors to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. You’ll find the forms and set up information at You may also view our FAFSA Data Portal video that will walk you through the sign-up process.
When the universal FAFSA graduation requirement goes into effect in 2024-25, the FAFSA Data Portal will serve as a great resource to track your students who have completed and submitted their FAFSA. If you have questions, please contact Kelli Kelnar at